Vasyl Vasyltsiv
poet, composer, musician
Vasyl Vasyltsiv real name and surname. The creative path began with classes in the spiritual singing chapel Sol anime, directed by Mrs. Emilia Tykhova, at the age of 6. I thought that in order to sing you need to have special supernatural properties, but the conductor of the chapel, Mrs. Emilia, said that everyone can sing - and this gave me the motivation to try.
He entered a music school for the guitar class. The first teacher surprised by saying: "It's better to play the guitar several times for 5 minutes than to suffer for several hours and hate it." In my 3rd year of music school, I started writing songs after on Sister's birthday, one of her friends asked me if I had ever tried to write my own songs (because at that time, my concert for them consisted of covers). The work of the Beatles was decisive for me, the songs of which settled in my heart from the first sounds and made me want to try to write the first song myself.
The first public concert was held in the Italian courtyard (Rynok square, Lviv). Participation in the instrumental ensemble of music school No. 2 - "Diamond" under the leadership of Mykola Sala had a great positive impact. He continued his concert activity with performances in educational institutions. The concert at the music school named after Solomiya Krushelnytska, when children caught every word of the songs with incredible sincerity and asked for an autograph for the first time.
The turning point for me was a speech at the Academy of Veterinary Medicine, when the hall started going crazy. And the plot was shown on the TV channel "Lux".
When there was a concert in Lyalka on January 14, I felt like one of the Beatles who barely managed to escape from the hall.
Yuriy Hustochka called and said that the Esthetic Education group wants to meet in Kyiv. I was pleasantly surprised by Vasyl Vasyltsiv's song of the same name. They released the first licensed disc "Golden Hits" and organized a debut in Kyiv at "Kvartira Babuin".
Performances in the cities: Ternopil at the celebration of the day of the foundation of the Sky group, near Kyiv at the wedding of Yevhen Koshovoy, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk at the Chimera club, Lutsk, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Uzhhorod. Also on all major TV channels: STB's X-factor, Guten Morgen M1, Morning with 1+1, Novy Kanal and others.
Why do I write songs - I love this business.